My prototype photos from the late '60s


Please excuse the quality, after all they were mostly taken with a Kodak Box Brownie 620!

But do click on any image to see a larger version.

See also scans of my recently discovered B&W 127 negs of a visit to Frankton Junction in 1967.

See also restoration photos from Waverley, Ormondville, Pahiatua, and Silver Stream.



La23124 - an La8 all tarped up at Palmerston North, Friday 3rd May 1968
(photo from the window of Standard Railcar RM34 "Tainui" on Wellington - New Plymouth run)


Standard Railcar RM34 "Tainui" at Patea Station, Friday 3rd May 1968.
"Tainui" is now at Silver Stream Railway


The same view as above, not using a Brownie(!) Friday 7th September 2012   :-(



Vr102 at Patea Station, May 1968.
Now as EA6001 owned by Steam Rail Wanganui



Vb621 at Patea Station, May 1968.
Written off March 1975.


Kp3261 - a shiny new Kp2 at Patea Station, May 1968.
Became TMS 25132 in 1978.


La19066 - an La6 with coal load at Patea Station, May 1968.
In 1978 under TMS it became 13309 and was written off in September 1981.


Mc2185 - an Mc2 with raised floor parked outside the Ford factory, Gracefield, January 1970.
In 1978 under TMS it was "converted" (had sides removed) and became MCC1832.


Uc1241(?) model unknown at Gracefield, January 1970.


Xa2094 at Gracefield, January 1970.
Built in 1934, she looks in pretty good nick and was written off December 1971.



Da1504 departs Gracefield goods yard some time in 1968.
The following Nc wagon has a Ford 5000 tractor load, while the following Ub wagon has a Ford Falcon XT.
The Ford factory was a few hundred metres off to the right of camera.

Da1504 was involved in a derailment near Petone in 1970.
For a pic (on the cover) and more detail, check out the book "Learning the hard way" by Christine Johnson.
In 1978 Da1504 became DC4058 in FruitSalad.
She later carried Cato, BumbleBee, (whew, missed Toll!) then finally KiwiRail colours
and appears to be still in service (as at May 2013)


After winding on the Box Brownie film to the next frame as fast as I could(!). . .
On the same train as above, some nice Uc tankers - Uc1304 and Uc1306,
I guess loaded with Diesel from the nearby Seaview oil installations.
These two became UC2350 and UC2373 respectively under TMS in 1978.

