S-2 Sheep wagon


Following on from the J5 sheep wagon, it seemed a logical step to also build an S-2 class sheep wagon - two J bodies stuck together and mounted on a 30ft chassis.

After receiving an inspirational photo, I used two of the J-5 bodies and built a 30ft 'Ozzie method' underframe.

My S-2 was built at the same time as the J-5s, so to save repetition will only show deviations here.



Not 100 percent accurate but two J-5 sides were stuck together to form one S-2 side.

The outside and inside ends were added as per the J-5, BUT to make overall construction more simple, I only used inside ends where the two bodies meet.

In real life there is a 1.75-inch gap between the two bodies, so I represented this by separating the middle inside ends
using offcuts of the wire used for the rodding.



S-2 body under construction. Good old Duplo block and a sheet of glass for getting things square.



Next came a 30ft chassis using the brilliant 'Ozzie method'.

That was constructed using various strip styrene and 0.030 inch sheet.

This one was built with scale 9-inch sides so that when the 'deck' was added on top, that fitted inside, and became the bottom floors for the two J-5 bodies.



'Ozzie method' 30ft chassis. Bogie mounting pads are pre-drilled for mounting screws.
Gaps in the headstocks will take a Kaydee #5 coupler box.
On the body, top deck floors with risers for the false floors were been added.




Test fit of the body to the chassis. The second (far) side is just sitting in place
and wouldn't be glued for a while - much painting first!
Risers hadn't been added to the bottom floors yet either.



Lining up with my original prototype J-5 build.



Couplers have been added to the chassis and door handles being added.
See also the handrails ready for fitting.



Swapped out the Kaydee archbar bogies for Frateschi 'olde' ones
fitted with North Yard spoked wheels - much more contemporary!




Crossmembers from lasercut 0.2mm polyester added to sides and ends of J and S wagons.




The bottom floor is roughly washed ready for the gratings.
Top left, the S-2 body has been painted inside.




(Above and below) The insides and floors were painted and the gratings added to the floors, and when all dry,
sides added, and the body was fitted to the chassis






Bits of undergubbins were added : styrene queen posts from Tichy, 0.5mm wire truss rodding,
styrene brake lever support and truss rod securing straps, my cast resin brake cylinder, and brass mircro strip brake lever bits.



Now with undergubbins first splash of paint. Roof 'rafters' have been added
from brass micro strip. I ran out so one is styrene.




Roof stringers painted undersides then stuck in place.



Assembly finished and ready for painting, decalling, and maybe a few more details.




All done with decals added from laser printed cutouts, a few more browny washes, and finally in a rake with other stock wagons.


