Goods yard office


Overview of the original
The office I want to build is based on the mid 1960s-built office at the entrance to Gracefiled yard, Lower Hutt, and will compliment my goods shed build.

As yet unable to establish exact date of build, but an idea can be got from various Whites Aviation aerial photos in which the office cannot or can be seen. A search on 'Gracefield' found plenty to look at.



May 1963 and there's no sign of the office in that triangular area between the main line in,
Hutt Park Road (along the bottom of the picture),
and the curve to the Ford factory, bottom right.



And there it is! Very bottom edge, to the right, in a view from October 14 1965.
The new goods transfer shed is also there now.

(Credit - Both of these pics are snips from Whites Aviation photos stored online at our National Library)


Like my goods shed project, and any project, you have to gather info - as many pictures and drawings of the proposed subject and you can.

And like the goods shed, a plan view was easy to get hold of thanks to the Hutt City historic aerial views website, and using known sizes of track gauge and wagons pictured in rest of the yard, it was relatively easy to calculate measurements.



Snip of 1977 view from Hutt City historic aerials



There are some pictures of the office on the Valley Signals site, but on a Sunday in August 2012, I did a drive-by and luckily the office was still there so took some quick reference photos before the shed was demolished maybe a couple of years later.


East side and (below) closeup of the main door. So sad.








Construction overview


Framework construction




More to come. . .

