Xa Xc Xp series ventilated vans
These look fairly straight forward using pre-scribed plastic sheet and pre-cut strips from Evergreen or Plastruct, although the vents look a bit tricky - depending on how much detail you want. Hopefully the vents will be as simple in the end as the Kp and Lc corrugated ends were. . . Plan on making a few of these wagons and it will be nice to see splashes of white, or at least grimy cream, in amongst all the red oxide! And there were a few variations of each model regarding vents, strapping and the like just to make things even more interesting.
Ah those vents For the common Xa the vent "unit" was five louvres, and there are ten vent assemblies per wagon - two on each side plus three on each end. The Xc and Xp vents units are smaller, have seven louvres, and there's 12 assemblies per wagon - four on each side plus two on each end. The Xp vents differ slightly in having a frame overlaying each pair of vents. See photos and drawings for reference. So there is a need to reproduce many vents quickly and easily and being a fan of moulding and casting, the idea was to make a master of each type of vent. First thought was to get these laser cut, but maybe a little tricky and fine. Maybe be 3D printing? Another idea was to glue together plastic strips, stacked with spacers, and staggered, building up the shape and look.
First trial attempt resulted in a pretty good match (above) . . . rivet counters will note there are 7 louvres for this Xc vent. But also note the bottom one needs to stick out more. The idea was to build lengths of these that could be cut into correct widths.
Now for the bodies. . . Xa 15ft 7" body on 10ft wheelbase chassis. more to come. . .
These two are 20ft body / 13ft wheelbase chassis versions of the little Xa. The main differences between Xc and Xp are the vent style, and the Xp door is wider than the Xc.
Because of the similarities between the Kc and Xc, the Kc was built first so after they've served their purpose, the Kc masters could be modified to be Xc masters. More to come. . .